Applied Radionics is a branch of radionics that focuses on the practical application of radionic principles in various fields, such as agriculture, ecology, and healthcare. This is typically done by analyzing and balancing the subtle energy fields of the organism or environment using specialized radionic instruments and techniques.
In agriculture, for example, radionics has been used to promote plant growth, control pests, and improve soil quality. Practitioners use radionic devices to analyze the energy fields of plants and soil, and then adjust the energy fields to promote healthy growth.
In environmental management, radionics has been used to mitigate the negative effects of pollution and electromagnetic radiation.
Even in business radionics can be used to enhance productivity, promote success, and reduce stress with the goal of promoting harmony and success.
In healthcare, it may be used to complement traditional medical treatments and promote healing (following always the guidelines of a qualified medical doctor).

Primitive techniques
Dr. Albert Abrams, the founder of radionics, used a variety of primitive techniques in his early experiments and research. Some of the techniques he used included:
Palpation: Use of hands to feel for changes in the energy fields of his patients.
Pulse diagnosis: Pulse feeling in order to detect changes in the frequency and rhythm of the pulse.
Reflex testing: Pressure on various points of the body to see if they produced a response.

Dials and rates
One common technique in radionics is to use dials and rates. Practitioners set the dials on a radionic device to represent different energetic frequencies or characteristics, and then use the device to measure the energy field of a sample from a target subject. The rates are then used to adjust the energy field of the target subject, with the goal of promoting balance.

Water is used in radionics practice as an optimal carrier for energetic frequencies. The idea is that water is able to store and transmit energy, and can be used to deliver energetic treatments to any living form.